Slumdog Millionaire - a 2008 British film directed by Danny Boyle, written by Simon Beaufoy, and co-directed in India by Loveleen Tandan. It is an adaptation of the Boeke Prize-winning and Commonwealth Writer’s Prize-nominated novel Q & A by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. This movie has won 8 annual academy awards, 5 critics choice awards, 4 golden globe awards, 7 BAFTA awards and also a lot of criticism and controversies.
There are some things in the movie which are not known to everybody. It is not the exact story of the book Q & A, a lot has been changed to suit the audience like - The Bombay Hindu-Muslim riots played no role in the book, as the ethnic or religious heritage of the main character was uncertain. In the book, the character of Jamal is instead named 'Ram Mohammad Thomas'. He was given a Hindu name, Muslim name and Christian name by the village elders in order to maintain the balance between all the religious communities after his mother abandoned him after birth. Unlike the movie, Ram does not have a biological brother, but Salim is instead his best friend in the novel. He grows up in an orphanage and his only 'brothers' are his fellow orphans. He never knew his mother. Ram is adopted by a Christian priest as a youth, which is where he learns English, and then is nearly molested by a visiting priest. The priest scenes were not included in the script for the movie, and the movie does not explain how Jamal learned fluent English. Latika is not his childhood friend in the book but rather a prostitute named Nita that Ram falls in love with in a brothel when he was 18.
In August 2007 Warner Independent Pictures acquired the American and Warner Independent Pictures paid $5 million to acquire these rights to the film and became a co-producer.However, in May 2008, Warner Independent Pictures was shutdown, with all of its projects being transferred to Warner Bros. Pictures, its parent studio. Warner Bros. doubted the commercial prospects of this movie and suggested that it would go straight to DVD without a U.S. theatrical release. if it was done so the movie would not be even eligible for the annual academy awards. This movie has been appreciated and acclaimed in our country , even it was appreciated in our parliament for its good run in the awards ceremonies, the central board of film certification commonly known as sensor board has also approved for the release of its English, hindi and tamil versions of the movie without any corrections or changes, but it was not the case with other Indian documentaries which portrayed our Indian slums like slumdog. The reason behind this is it has got international fame and name.